3 Organizational Tips for a Multi-Functional Laundry Room


Let's be frank. No one enjoys doing laundry - am I right? I don't know anyone who looks forward to this soul-crushing, never-ending chore. The larger your family? The more it becomes the bane of our existence. While I cannot make the process of laundering our household clothing blissful, I can weigh in with some tips to reduce the stress we feel while in the laundry room through the flexibility of use and organization of space.

Here are my 3 helpful tips for a multi-functional laundry room…

Tip #1: Create a Drop-Off Spot for Dirty Laundry

As a mom of three, I can personally attest to the constant struggle of dealing with too many "dump zones" for dirty clothes. Having dedicated locations for hampers in areas besides the laundry room is very helpful. 

For example, placing a hamper inside the garage or near the entry to drop athletic gear immediately upon returning from sports practice can be a lifesaver. And for God's sake, do yourself the favor of investing in a covered hamper. Parents of teen boys, I know you feel me here. 

Other helpful locations for laundry drop points would be bedroom closets and the bathroom if there is space. Having multiple drop points will prevent a mountain of clothes from continuously forming in the laundry room, anxiously awaiting the transition to a wearable state. 

By minimizing the amount of dirty clothes collected in the laundry room, we can reduce the amount of stress and overwhelm we feel when merely walking into the space.


Tip #2: Utillzie Stacking Washer/Dryers to Maximize Storage

More and more, laundry rooms are used as flex space for many uses. For example, we store cleaning supplies, mops/brooms, vacuum cleaners, gift wrap, light bulbs, etc. It's also common to find the family printer, coats, shoes, small refrigerators, and sports equipment in the shared space. 

A great addition to the world of laundry has been the concept of stacking washer/dryers. This allows even the smallest laundry spaces or closets to have room for a small counter space next to the appliances. A counter can make sorting and folding laundry SO much easier. 

With space for a counter, you now have space below said counter for a cabinet. This additional storage can be used for a hamper for household towels, pullout shelves for easy access storage, or even a pullout drying rack.


Tip #3: Go Vertical to Optimize Space

Going vertical in storage is another great way to optimize storage in a laundry room. Upper shelves or cabinets are great for keeping household cleaning supplies all together in one location and keeping these items out of reach of small children. 

Tall cabinets for broom storage, ironing boards, and vertical drying racks are wonderful ways to store a great deal with minimal floor space required.


When organizing a laundry room or a flex space, having a dedicated space for everything is key. By taking advantage of the improvements in today's storage solutions (pullout cabinetry, drying racks, under counter hampers, stackable washers & dryers, etc.), combined with a great spatial design, you too can find a newfound peace in the process of doing laundry. For more helpful organization tips, read How to Organize & Maintain a Helpful, Hardworking Pantry.

If you're ready to hand off your laundry room organizing to an expert, we've got your back! Contact us today.
