How to Organize & Maintain a Helpful, Hardworking Pantry

We've all experienced it. Mid-way through the meal prep, you open the pantry and reach for the broth/spice/ingredient that you need to complete the meal, and you can't find it. Even though you KNOW you purchased it specifically for this occasion. The cluttered chaos from the last attempt at sorting out the pantry has conspired to ruin your meal. And your mood.

Today, I'll provide 4 tips to transform that chaos into a clean and pristine pantry using easy-to-maintain systems.

#1. Remove All Items & Review Expiration Dates 

Start by removing every item from the pantry. Read the expiration dates as you go, and throw out what has gone bad. Also, toss anything open and stale. 

Once this step is complete, you'll find you are dealing with a much smaller task. Before moving on to the next step, take the time to wipe down all the shelves for a clean, fresh start.

#2. Create Categories & Keep Like Items Together

Now it is time to sort all of the items you are going to keep before putting anything away. Keep like with like, in a system that makes sense for your household. Groups to consider: pasta, cereal, canned soups, tomato sauces, spices, etc.

#3. Select Storage Solutions & Remove Excess Packaging

This is where the magic happens in the quest for an easy-to-manage pantry. Easy-to-see-through glass containers with lids are a great solution for pasta, cereal, and grains. Replacing the containers that items come in can save a great deal of space. 

Cans get lost in the back of the pantry because we can't see what's back there. There are many options for pull-out, stacked, or rotating solutions for this very issue. Easy-to-access open baskets or containers for the kids’ snacks can keep you from rifling through everything for a simple bag of chips.

#4. Make a Plan to Maintain the Space 

If everything has a defined area, half the battle is already won. The kids are only interested in their snacks, so you'll be able to get your hands on the chicken stock when you need it, and the rice never gets buried underneath the cereal boxes. Occasional maintenance is key. With monthly touch-ups, living with an organized pantry can easily be maintained.

I recently had clients whose pantry was so pristine that even the contractors working in the home were awed. They were literally taking photos of the marvel. Their organizational skills were so developed that they took little time to maintain. 

If you want a pantry that stops people in their tracks and makes your life easier, work through these 4 steps and find out how much more efficiently your kitchen can operate. For more inspiration on freshening your space, read How to Think Like an Interior Designer.

Do you want your pantry (and every other room of the home) to stay organized all year long? Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get inspired!
