How to Refresh Your Home After the Holidays


If you're like me, taking down all the holiday decorations can leave your home feeling blah and boring. What follows, however, is the perfect adjustment phase for evaluating the "tweaks" we can make to revitalize and refresh our homes.  

Let's take a look at some of the important steps we can take to refresh our spaces. Be sure to grab a pen and paper as you go through the "take-down" process, as many of the adjustments you decide to make can be done over the next couple of months (as time allows), and you don't want to get bogged down with life and forget your goals.

Tip #1: Deep Clean Forgotten Spaces

This is the perfect time to deep clean some of the areas we may not get to regularly. For example, taking down our trees and lights can get us up close and personal with the nooks and crannies of rarely-seen areas like baseboards, stair balusters, and window moldings.

Window treatments seem a bit dusty? Take this opportunity to vacuum or have them professionally cleaned. Removing the wreath off the front doors? This is the perfect opportunity to wipe down/wash the entry area.


Tip #2: Evaluate Your Decor 

The moment the holiday decor is put away begins the phase where we can really evaluate the true needs of our home. Do we really love all of the items that we are putting back? The knick-knacks? Artwork? 

Consider only putting back items that you truly love. Be open to change here...could you donate some items that are no longer bringing you joy? Perhaps a pillow refresh, window treatment update, new chair & ottoman, or a new area rug would revitalize your home.


Tip #3: Declutter and Get Organized 

This is the best time of year to set aside time to declutter surfaces and cabinets. Why? Because we are experiencing this unique opportunity of viewing our home through the lens of change already. 

If you don't have time for a deep dive into organization, take small steps such as walking through your home with a box and challenging yourself to put donatable items into it. Don't stop until you fill the box.  

Another baby step is to clean out merely one drawer in your home at a time. Once a day/week/month can feel like great progress. Editing items in our home, whether they be functional or decorative, can be more freeing than you can imagine.

For more organization tips, read 3 Organization Tips For A Multi-Functional Laundry Room.


Tip #4: Make Time to Maintain 

An investment of 5-10 minutes a day to remove new clutter or put things where they belong can really have an impact on our ability to maintain our newly achieved organization. 

With organization comes the ability to view the beauty of our home that comes with the purposeful placement of all of our truly meaningful items & furnishings.  


These are a few ideas to create a beautiful, stress-free environment that will benefit you throughout the upcoming year. These small investments of time can have huge benefits for your sanity.  

Want to love your home again in a brand new way? We can help! Let's organize your brain space & physical space for the new year. Reach out, and let's get started. 
